Stewards, Officers and Committee Members
These people have been elected into office by the general membership. Anyone can run for any position.
​Nominations for all offices happen every 2 years in February, and elections, if needed, happen at the March General Membership meeting. Next election date is March 2024.
​To contact the Union with questions or concerns, a good starting point is to speak with a steward from your area either in person or through hospital email.
If there is a Vacant Position that you're interested in filling; reach out to a member of the Executive.
Karrie Smith

Danny Hawtin
Vice President (Oakville)

I started at the Oakville site and I am currently at the Milton site in the MDR Department. please email any concerns
Lorrie Kennedy
VP Milton Site

Department: Mat/Child RPN
Committees: Executive Board, Education Committee, Budget Committee
Elizabeth Schramm
Recording Secretary

Department: Med-Surg Outpatient Clerk
Committees: Executive Board, Budget Committee, Bargaining Committee
Marsha Hawtin
Secretary Treasurer