Come together with Local 815 for a meeting specifically for Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) to address the challenges that RPNs encounter at our workplace and within our union.
If you have any questions you would like to add to our Agenda, please email them to questions@cupe815.org
November 20th 2024 at 8pm via Zoom. Simply download Zoom to your mobile device, or computer, and use the link to below to join the meeting.
RPN Working Group Draft Agenda
1. RPN Wages and Central Bargaining, Local Bargaining
2. Workload and Workload Forms
3. Union Involvement
4. LMS Prolink Malpractice Insurance
CUPE Local 815 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: RPN Working Group
Date and Time: Wednesday November 20th at 8pm
Join Zoom Meeting