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CUPE Local 815


OCHU, ONA, and Unifor are all recommending that healthcare workers who are screening, treating, or in contact with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients must have access to fit-tested N95 respirators or better protection.

Healthcare workers have a limited right to refuse unsafe work. On the town-hall call yesterday, Michael Hurley, the president of OCHU, has said it is more of a right to adequate PPE.

If you feel that you are not being provided the correct PPE, ie a fit-tested N95 respirator, there is a process that must be followed to complete a work refusal.

Manager, Health and Safety Rep, Union Rep and employee meet at the time of request to see if the situation can be resolved. If not, the Ministry of Labour gets called in to make a decision. Unfortunately at this time, the MOL takes direction from Ontario Public Health and Health Canada whose recommendations at this time state that a surgical mask is enough PPE for most patient contact. However the more attention we can bring to this issue the better.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to one of our elected stewards or executive. They can be reached through hospital email, or speak with a steward from your department.


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